
Linda Quanstrom, Pastor

I’m a fourth-generation clergyperson--but I wasn’t born with a stole. And I don’t preach like my forebears. I love our sacred text and nothing gives me more joy than when I’m able to lift it up in a way that helps folks find spiritual nourishment from its deep well. I love laughter, think ambiguity is an okay thing and believe our questions (not our certainties) move us to a truer faith.

I get great joy out of digging in the dirt, kayaking, sharing good food and conversation with friends, wandering through antique shops, and writing. 

As to my writing, I dabble in worship liturgy and open-verse poetry, and Beacon Hill Press saw fit to publish a small book entitled And Some Are Walked Home (a narrative interpretation of some of the parables). I’ve had seven adult-level curricula published for the Church of God Anderson’s Bridges series. 

Sarah Gheorghita, Pianist

Two of the most important aspects of my life are my faith and music. I’ve studied piano and have been involved in church music for most of my life. Playing piano for the Cornelius UMC is an opportunity I am grateful for, since I get to be involved in and practice both my faith and love of music. When I am not playing piano at the Cornelius UMC, I am involved in worship at my own Romanian church in Beaverton with both singing and playing keyboard. I am a student and currently working towards getting my bachelors in piano performance.

Church Leaders

  • Sarah Casey


    The trustees oversee the maintenance and prioritize major repairs and improvements to the church owned buildings.

  • Melanie Johnston

    Ministry Council Chair

    Ministry Council is the administrative body overseeing operations and policies and ministries of the church. I am also the missions coordinator.

  • Susan McLain

    Lay Leader

    As Lay Leader I make sure we have a friendly, open service every week. I support the Pastor and schedule speakers and music. I am a Lay Leader speaker and fill in as needed.