The Sun of Righteousness

11th Sunday of Pentecost                   August 4, 2024

The texts for this sermon are  Psalm 19 and  Luke 19:37-40

Rock, Fortress, Shelter, Pathway

Today Light!

GOD is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?  (Ps 27:1)

Send out your Light and your truth; let them lead me
Let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling

You are clothed with honor and majesty wrapped in light as with a garment  (104:1b-2a)

Let your face shine that we may be saved  (80:3b)

God is Sun and Shield God bestows favor and honor  (84:11a)

The Psalm writers link God’s face or the perception of God to the image of light and the animation of shining. In the lexicon of the Psalms, Light is intimately associated with God. The Psalm writers use light to speak of God’s glory, saving presence, judgment, guidance and grace.

Psalm 19 gives us a particularly compelling picture of this.
Let’s listen to these words again:

The heavens are telling the glory of God; 
and the firmament is proclaiming God’s handiwork.
Day to day gushes forth speech; 
and night to night imparts knowledge.
Though there is no speech, nor are there words---
their sound cannot be heard-

We have here what we might call God’s Cosmic Word. It is inaudible but nevertheless perceived. We behold this wonder. God’s is a voice that speaks even without words through God’s grand creation, delivering a visual and vibrant Word. A Word that is revelatory.

There is great animation in this inaudible speech.

Though there is no speech, nor are there words--
their sound cannot be heard--
yet throughout all the earth their lines extend outward, 
so also their words to the end of the world.
For the Sun, God has set a tent in the heavens. 
Like a bridegroom, it bursts out of its wedding canopy;
like an athlete, it rejoices in sprinting its course. 
From one end of the heavens to its rising,
and its circuit is complete at the other. 
There is nothing hidden from its heat.
(vs 3b-6)

The Sun illumines everything -- God’s glory is not hidden. It isn’t a secret. It isn’t reserved for a privileged few. And it is constant, as constant as the rising of the Sun.

Now the Psalmists links these images of the glory of Creation and the nourishing, faithful light of the Sun to Torah.

The Word of God [or Torah] is complete, reviving the soul.
The testimony of God is sure, imparting wisdom to the simple. 
The precepts of God are straight, gladdening the heart. 
The commandment of God is lucid, giving light to the eyes.
Reverence of God is radiant, enduring forever.
The ordinances of God are firm, altogether righteous.
They are more desirable than gold, more than abundant fine gold,
sweeter also than honey, the drippings of the honeycomb.
(vs 7-10)

Did you pick up on those descriptors? 

enduring forever
purifying  (makes righteous)

Indeed, Your servant is enlightened by them;
in observing them there is great reward.

God’s Word, God’s Way is of greater value than all the wealth in the world and sweeter than any other desire or satisfaction.

But God’s Word doesn’t just ignite joy and awe. God’s Word instructs:

Who can discern [my] errors?
From hidden sins clear me!
Even from presumptuous thoughts deliver your servant;
let them not gain mastery over me.

God’s Word leads us to self-understanding; to recognizing how out of alignment we are in relationship to God--and God’s expectations of us, God’s desires for us. God’s Word fortifies us to turn from self-deception, temptations, self-gratification. It enables us to resist that which pulls us away from God’s Way. 

God’s Word, God’s Way, like the sun follows a straight unalterable course. It is dependable, trustworthy, clocking in a cadence that never fails, never ends.

Considering Creation clues us to God. Considering God’s Word gives us a new perspective on God’s created order for all of what God has created, including us. But we are to make the leap from just appreciating Creation and acknowledging God. We are to comprehend that God has set before us an illumined path for us to embark on--to follow--to be defined by. This glorious Light of God’s Word guides us into right relationship with God. And it speaks to the kind of response or piety we ought to have toward God

To what end we might ask?

Then I will become blameless
and innocent of great transgression.
(v 13b)

This is what it means to be saved. It’s what Jesus meant when he told Nicodemus, he had to be born again: born from above. Rebirthed through the Spirit of God--through the Word, the Way of God, the revelatory, transforming Light of God: to be made whole, and glory be, blameless!
For God’s Word reveals not only God’s glory but our own nature. Who can discern my errors? From hidden sins clear me! the psalmist pleads.

Just as things set out in the sun are illumined, purified and preserved, so one’s soul -- placed in the Light of Torah is illumined, purified, preserved.

Just as the Sun sprints across the sky, bursting afresh each day without fail, so we are to sprint on this righteous course.

We are to burst out of our chamber with exuberance toward God, following a course that is straight and true, guided by the revelatory Light of the Word of God.

This is what the great theologian Calvin refers to when he speaks of the “Theater of God’s Glory, the great animated, salvific drama of God’s invitation and grace.”

And this is what leads the Psalmist to conclude with this prayer

May the words of my mouth be a pleasing offering;
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you,
God, my rock and redeemer.

God, our Rock, Refuge, our Path, our Light, our Salvation.

We each might ponder this week: 
How deeply do I meditate upon (not just read), but situate myself under the Light of God’s Word?

L Quanstrom


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